jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Jonh Deacon

John Deacon was born in Leicester, England, the 19 August of 1951. He was the bassist of Queen. He incorporated in the group in 1971, when a friend tell to Brian about him. Brian acepted Jonh when Brian was drunkard. About the group, they had a problem: the people who play good, he didn´t have good look, but the people who had good look, he did´t play good. Jonh is a person very shy and quiet. He compossed the songs:"I want to brek free", "You´re my best friend" and "Another one bites to dust". Before Queen, he played in a band called "The Opossition". When Freddy MErcury died, he went out of the scenes, but he appeared in some tributes

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